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Blog > May 2019 > Five ways to stay well this winter

Five ways to stay well this winter

It may be cold outside, but winter needn’t be the unhealthiest time of the year for you. Hang on to good health with these five tips.
Boost your diet 
Vitamin C is one of the most powerful immune boosting vitamins available, according to research. This water-soluble vitamin is naturally present in fruits and vegetables like oranges and broccoli. So, to give your diet a boost of the good stuff, try a daily orange as a snack, and add the ever-so-versatile broccoli to roasted or sautéed sides.
Drink plenty of water
We’ve all heard it before: drink 6-8 glasses of water a day to stay hydrated. But did you know adequate water intake is also attributable to a healthy, strong digestion? If you don't feel like drinking cold water, try herbal teas with anti-oxidant benefits like mint, green or berry teas. 
Take a break
According to research, our immune system does not function well when we’re stressed. What’s more, stress can lead to unhealthy decisions like settling on a family block of chocolate for dinner instead of a healthy meal. Avoid letting your health take the hit. Instead, stay well by taking a break to reset. Let your mind recalibrate through calling a friend, reading a good book, watching a movie, or by going for a walk to get some fresh air.
Perfect your portions 
Winter is an ideal time to re-think the size of your meal, especially meals containing rice, pasta and potatoes which, while delicious, can be particularly easy to over-serve.
Serving an adequate portion can help manage your weight over the cooler months while also freeing up space on your plate for more vegetables! To perfect your portion, try using smaller plates and waiting at least 20 minutes before heading back for seconds.
Get active
Regular exercise in winter not only helps in keeping off any unwanted weight gain, it also helps in preventing the winter blues, thanks to the endorphins that are released in the brain. What’s more, research also suggests exercise may even help in boosting your immune system.
For those of us are unsure where to begin, or are lacking in motivation, we get it, winter is tough! To help create your exercise routine, try the Coaching Zone 6-week Challenge. The six-week program includes one-on-one consultations, goal setting, access to unlimited group personal training and your very own MyZone heart rate monitor. You’ll also be equipped with a meal plan, as well as health and nutritional advice, and endless support from an in-club and online community.