Tips for a healthier Christmas
19 Dec 2018
Enjoy yourself, in moderation
Let’s not kid ourselves. There’s likely to be lots of food and for some of us there will also be alcohol. The key in how you approach this is the quantities – you can still have fun, just remember moderation. Eat suitable amounts, drink lots of water and stop when you begin to feel full.
Be organised
If you’re the one preparing the food or even hosting, you’re ultimately in charge of the types of food as well as when it’s served. Choose to serve some healthier, fresh options like salads and stick to the designated eating times of every 3-4 hours to control blood sugar levels and suppress hunger. In doing so you can also educate your loved ones on the benefits of this approach.
Make time for yourself
On average we sleep between 6-8 hours. This leaves us with 16-18 available hours each day. Use some of this time to fit in a walk, swim or a Coaching Zone session. That’s right, we’re open during the festive season to help keep your health and fitness on track. For those who can’t make it to a session and want to continue to remain active, our YouTube channel is a great source to create a festive season workout plan, you’ll find heaps of recommended techniques from our expert coach, Todd.
Stay true to what's important to you
If remaining healthy and active is important to you, stay true to it. You don’t need to conform to what everyone else is doing. Who knows, you may even be the positive influence and encouragement that someone close to you may need.
Enjoy the holiday season and time spent with loved ones. Take a balanced approach with your health by managing your input and output and remember to rest, relax and recharge your batteries.